Wednesday, August 11, 2010

'Tis a Joy to be Simple

Yesterday while watching Levi play with his toys - and honestly anything else he could find that wasn't really a baby toy - I realized something. Life is simple.

Now, I realize that's not overly profound or anything, but think about it. How often do we make simple life decisions into these huge complicated issues? How often do we try to rationalize, justify, mold into a neat package something that is truly a simple yes or no type of decision? For example - Levi crawled into the kitchen to find something to play with. On his way, he saw the cat water and feeder. So, he decided to check them out. When he got there, he stopped, sat up, and then looked at me to see what I would do. I glanced over, told him to "make a good choice" (yes I realize my baby is only 9 months old, but this is something we've been going over for a while), and then he looked back at the dishes and decided that it would be more fun to go look out the sliding glass door. He didn't sit there and think - well, if I just touch it a little bit maybe I won't get in trouble. He didn't start to converse with me on the merits of touching or not touching the water (Yes. I realize he's only 9 months old and incapable of conversing with me at an intelligible level.). He didn't try to change my mind on the matter. He simply made a yes or no decision and went with it. Now this same event has happened many times before and he doesn't always make the same decision, but that's beside the point. He simply listened, made his decision and went on with life.

Wouldn't it be cool if we could all be like that? Listen to our Parent, make a decision and go on with life. Without the added baggage we all like to bring along. Just think how much more at peace we would be.

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