Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Change in priorities

Before I had L, I remember hearing myself say that I couldn't be a stay-at-home mom. I would "need" to have things to do that included deadlines. Structure is a huge part of my life. Having goals to reach is important to me. I didn't think that staying at home would be challenging enough. I mean, I realized I'd have a little one to care for, but really - how much time could that take. I mean, they nap right? Plus, the extra income from me working full-time in addition to DH was really nice.

Fast forward a few years and here we are. I'm not truly a full-time SAHM (stay-at-home mom), it's more a combination of a SAHM and a WAHM (work-at-home mom). And, I can honestly say I love it. I actually get a little sad on Tuesday night when I'm having to get things ready for the next day when I am in the office. Not because I'm worried about L. He stays with a family from church when I'm in the office, so I know he's well cared for. But I miss seeing his smiles, hearing him talk while he plays and destroys the house, listening to him crawl while holding toys in each hand and giggle while he's running away from me as we play chase.

So - I guess you could say I've changed my mind on what it is I can and cannot do. I've altered my definition of deadlines. Now, instead of having to have a project complete by a set time, I am content with -- no, correct that -- I am more than content with set meal, play and nap times. I work on my work (i.e. paying jobs) in between the times that L is awake. Yes, it means I get up really early - but it also means that I can devote my undivided attention to teaching and learning from the newest man in my life. Yeah, we don't have as much money flowing through the bank account each month but the bills are still paid, there's food on the table, and there's even some fun money for playing and covering those unexpected expenses.

I'm still working on the having dinner on the table when DH gets home thing. Some nights I do, other nights not so much. Sometimes the house is neat and tidy by evening time, but most times not. I think that probably bothers me more than DH though.  I am, however, getting quite efficient at cleaning spaghetti out of hair and understanding baby babble. Life is good.

Friday, August 13, 2010

The end of the week ahhh's

You know how at the end of your week, you can usually sit back and just relax for a few minutes? The house is clean, the menu is planned and/or made, the laundry mountain has been concurred for a brief period of time. It's just - an ahhhhh moment.

Well - my house is getting there this week. As I sit here typing, my DH is busily vacuuming the house for me and L is following closely behind him (L LOVES the vacuum). Typically this time of the week I can sit down and smell the cleanliness of the house and laundry - if the dryer is still going that is.

This week - not so much. My house smells like a giant dill pickle. My MIL knows I like dill pickles, so she once bought me a can of Dill Pickle Pringles (okay, more than once). I will admit I tried them, but they were so overpowering and strong that I ended up throwing the canister away. Well - that's what my house smells like. A giant Dill Pickle Pringles can. Not exactly a heartwarming smell, but I'm hoping it means the pickles will taste good once done.

And hopefully the smell fades quickly. I want the clean smell back.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

'Tis a Joy to be Simple

Yesterday while watching Levi play with his toys - and honestly anything else he could find that wasn't really a baby toy - I realized something. Life is simple.

Now, I realize that's not overly profound or anything, but think about it. How often do we make simple life decisions into these huge complicated issues? How often do we try to rationalize, justify, mold into a neat package something that is truly a simple yes or no type of decision? For example - Levi crawled into the kitchen to find something to play with. On his way, he saw the cat water and feeder. So, he decided to check them out. When he got there, he stopped, sat up, and then looked at me to see what I would do. I glanced over, told him to "make a good choice" (yes I realize my baby is only 9 months old, but this is something we've been going over for a while), and then he looked back at the dishes and decided that it would be more fun to go look out the sliding glass door. He didn't sit there and think - well, if I just touch it a little bit maybe I won't get in trouble. He didn't start to converse with me on the merits of touching or not touching the water (Yes. I realize he's only 9 months old and incapable of conversing with me at an intelligible level.). He didn't try to change my mind on the matter. He simply made a yes or no decision and went with it. Now this same event has happened many times before and he doesn't always make the same decision, but that's beside the point. He simply listened, made his decision and went on with life.

Wouldn't it be cool if we could all be like that? Listen to our Parent, make a decision and go on with life. Without the added baggage we all like to bring along. Just think how much more at peace we would be.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I'm not sure I'll keep up with this regularly, but what's the harm in trying. Right? I mean, everyone else has a blog, so why not me? No Mom, if everyone else was jumping off a bridge, I wouldn't do it to - unless maybe I had a bungee cord attached.

I figure I spend so much of my time conversing with someone who only responds in a currently indistinguishable language (and no, I don't mean Brian) that this would be an outlet for me. If you enjoy reading - feel free to come back often. If you don't enjoy what I have to say - well that's okay too. You know, we're all entitled to our opinions.

Happy blogging to you all!